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Politics of fragility

gallery na shabolovke 

december 11, 2016

curator borya klushnikov

hanna zubkova artist ганна зубкова художник политика хрупкости депрессия end of melancholia performance hanna zubkova боря клюшников

Borya Klushnikov, curator: «The fact that people and things can get broken remains outside the bounds of our knowledge and experience and triggers a sensation of force majeure. People and objects which surround us are perceived as «active agents» driven by desire. Everyone’s moral duty is to show effectiveness and velocity,  demonstrate will, sociability and inclusiveness, while any failure is considered as personal fault, an individual responsibility of each and every one.


We break,  exploit, render inoperable systems that surround us mainly because we remain senseless to the weakness and limited plasticity of the world.


In the framework of the project «Politics of fragility» artists and intellectuals present possibilities of repolitization of the category of fragility in the contemporary world. The question which is brought in is simple: how can we rethink nonviolence, incapacity and non-involvement positively, i.e. as a gesture and not as a pure negativity?»*

photo documentation of the group show

I presented two performances, Cadavre Esquis (together with the Union of Recovering) and End  of Melancolia.

Cadavre Esquis is a collective reading performance, where lines of texts by different authors where mixed up in an aleatoric way, projected on the wall and read aloud by the performers in a random way. At some point people from the audience started joining the reading.

Performance End of Melancolia is a performative lecture I give to the audience. The lecture doesn't have any particular subject and constantly fails to be about anything. It is structured as a directed set of mistakes that I make, not arriving to produce any sense. 

hanna zubkova artist ганна зубкова художник политика хрупкости депрессия end of melancholia performance hanna zubkova боря клюшников союз выздоравливающих

screenshot of video documentation of the performance 

Cadavre Esquis 

hanna zubkova artist ганна зубкова художник политика хрупкости депрессия end of melancholia performance hanna zubkova боря клюшников

screenshot of video documentation of the performance 

End of Melancolia

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