leaving tomorrow
group exhibition
special project of the 6th moscow biennale of contemporary art
Winzavod, moscow, sept - oct 2015
curated by ivan isaev

In our modern circumstances, private survival strategies replace global utopian ideas and tendencies. The aim of the project “Leaving Tomorrow” is to create a place where the understanding of the current state of society occurs. Also it presents the alternative methods of the existence in a world where the future is not as undesirable as unwarranted.
The idea of the group exhibition Leaving Tomorrow is based on the study of fear of the future, arising under technological disasters and discredit the perception of progress. According to the curator of the exhibition Ivan Isaev, "political power and conflicts flaring up in different parts of the world, from Egypt to Hong Kong and Brazil and Ukraine, do not allow people to feel protected in most states" Awareness of these processes stimulates people's desire to avoid the future, to turn back time, or to terminate it at all, endlessly prolonging the present; committing so-called "escape from tomorrow."
The structure of the exhibition is based on the "filters", or so-called "registers", thematically outline the boundaries of reality comprehension. Exhibition consists of 16 objects, such as installations, audio-visual materials and performances. Fundamentally different by technical embodiment, objects demonstrate different interpretations of unanswerable questions of future. The authors of installations find their answers in common everyday non-artistic stuff. Used materials include wallpaper from military camp’s flats, chandeliers made of cement, photos on plastic, and even plants grown through the canvas for embroidery. As well authors chose very different persons as heroes of their video installations. You can see representatives of various strata of society, from federal news anchor to provincial club’s dancers.
Exposition consists of works by young Russian artists: Anastasia Kizilova, Anastasia Vepreva, Dmitry Fedorov, Ilya Fedotov-Fedorov, Ekaterina Vasilyeva and Hanna Zubkova, Boris Klyushnikov, Lena Zubtsova, Marina Androsovich, Natasha Tihonova, Oleg Frolov, Roza Pogosyan, Sergey Kishenko, Sofia Staune, Zina Isupova, Natasha Timofeeva and art group u/n multitude (Nikita Spiridonov and Sofia Rumyanceva).
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